carrd template by paletterph.

* feeling faerie

my heart feels aflutter. like the paintbrush of an abstract artpiece. like the wings of a fae. like the morality of a man. my eyes burn, stop making me love you.

# CW: sexual and violent themes. commentary on transphobia and misogyny. penned by heaven. please read rules carefully. content warnings apply, no minors allowed.carrd best viewed on PC!!


dilon utilizes and subverts many tropes centered around her identity. ask me about them!

dilon ghiliana.




usual dni criteria is not allowed here. no transphobia, homophobia, racism, pedophilia, non-con, bestiality, lala lewders etc.


dilon's ideals and opinions don't always align with mine. things she does and says are not always indicitatve of how i may view something or react to a situation. please don't ic and ooc bleed. i'll kill you. /j ♥


my replies might be slow occasionally. i get tired and run out of muse but i may have bursts of replying fast as fuck. please do not feel pressured and respond whenever you can. i'll still love you, regardless. ♥


do NOT make personal advances onto me because of our roleplay. i like you, but most likely, not in that way. trying to flirt unsolicited will make me cut interaction immediately.


i roleplay in game and on discord! please ask for either, i just personally prefer discord because of ease of access and i'm not always subbed to the game.


please be nice to dilon or i'll get you. /j (be mean, she deserves it.)

#character study.


the stars are so pretty. they represent the hope i have for the future. the grimness that comes with sharlayan research and learning of the end of days. i can't find solace in them anymore. i feel alone...

full name dilon ghiliana.
age 33.
birthday 25th sun of the Fourth Astral moon .
gender trans woman.
pronouns she/her.
orientation attracted to masculinity.
species viera (entelechi unknowingly).
class/job RDM/dancer (dynamis manipulated).
alignment true neutral.
birthplace tural.
residence empyereum.
likes the color pink, flowers, poetry, desserts.
dislikes insects, animal products, salty foods.

i'm still dreaming of you.

#* *personality.

an incredibly soft heart, one made of flowers and forgiveness, dilon treats all around her with compassion and grace. she assumes good in all people, unless proven otherwise. if her or someone she loves is wronged, she'll do anything in her power to hurt the person who caused her harm. she's loving, but can get violent and ruthless in the right situation.gets excited when topics she enjoys are brought up and will ramble on for hours.dilon's extremely wary around men she just met, avoiding to be in situations where she must be alone if her wits are not about her. she can withdraw into herself if genuinely worried for her safety or uncomfortable. unsolicited flirtatious comments will cause her to freeze up.

height 5'5".
weight 125 pounds.
build lean, hourglass shaped.
complexion dark-skinned.
hair length shoulder length when worn curly.
hair color black at root, pink highlights
eye color pink, right eye slightly darker.
other features winged tattoo on chest, and lavender tattoo on right side.
scent dasies and sweet lingonberries.
clothing style flowly, soft, feminine, loose.

#* *summary.

the star and the moon, shining beacons of love and hate, bravery and fear, happiness and anger. these were twins, born to a lost village of viera in the country or tural. despite being born twins, they grew into different sexes, dilon being developed male and demetria developing female. dilon, hating the idea of being forced to live as a male, her and demetria escaped their village as fast as she could.
a rouge witch of dynamis, unknown to the other villagers, named isabel, mothered the girls. this could never last forever. rather than running off and risking herself, she found a group of monster hunters stationed in tural temporarily. when they opened the door, they found the girls sitting on their steps, braiding each other's hair, unaware of why they were left there.
one night, during a quite eventful hunt, they learned the twins had a unique connection to the emotions of others. dilon could draw healing magic from the positive emotions of others while demetria could draw the negative emotion from other people, particularly herself and her sister, and use it to cast destructive rays of fire and ice. this made the duo a force to be reckoned with. during sparring, the two were almost unstoppable and this interested the hunters greatly.dilon’s powers and demeanor caught the eye of a young man in her group as well, a young xaela named sanchir vrihith.
the two often found themselves spending a lot of time together, picking flowers and helping dilon properly channel her magic. the pink-haired viera felt a strong connection to the fiery emotions of sanchir, and dilon always felt safe around him. the two shortly fell in love, almost working in harmony in combat. demetria felt safe knowing that her sister no longer needed her to feel emotionally secure. the happiness exuding off of them most days was enough for both of them to thrive in combat. one fateful day, this all changed.
during a long trek across the vast deserts of thanalan, a group of beasts attacked the group of hunters. unfortunately, in this attack, dilon became gravely injured. sanchir chose to give his life to save dilon from death, causing an overwhelming swell of negative emotion to release itself from her body. for the first time in their life, the connection the twins bore might be the death of both of order to protect them, demetria set a blockade in her emotionally vulnerable sister’s mind, no longer letting them remember their traumatic past. she vowed to protect her from their past, never letting her relive this moment.
dilon found herself lost in ul'dah, relegated to scavenging and sex work to survive. her reputation was great and violent, her powers causing the deaths of those who tried to harm her. she became a beacon of protection of sorts, purposely ending the lives of those who brought harm to women. she became wanted, her execution worth thousands of gil. her life of pain would come to an end when her twin sister found her, rushing to her aid and moving the both of them as far away from ul'dah as possible.
after a small stay in sharlayan, she opened a small cosmetology business as a traveling hair and makeup artist. however, something began to eat at her. her body. the pain the form she inhabited caused her only worsened. her shoulders, her muscles, her voice, it all ripped at her like glass shards. until she finally felt she could change it. the way she was truly meant to be.

all girls are magical, i just happen to be a little more magical than most.

powers and abilities.

emotion empowerment dilon feels the emotions of others and can see their dynamis, almost like a colored aura around them. often, when emotions are strong enough, they begin to affect her own, her behavior and mannerisms will shift to match the person she's interacting with. it can be seen as teasing, but it's unintentional and is hard to control.empathic telepathy dilon often leaks her thoughts through her dynamis, her ideas leaking into people's heads accidently. this usually only happens towards people she's incredibly close to.weapon mastery dilon has the ability to harness multiple weapons using the power of her stuffed bunny familiar, petal. she currently can wield a staff, a hammer, a claymore, a bow, and a sword.mind control when dilon is angered enough, she may gain the ability to control the actions of people with weak mental fortitude. however, she rarely chooses to do this unless she needs to.empathic teleportation dilon is able to teleport to places that are emotionally significant to her through the use of portals.??? dilon, in an emotionally vunerable state, can access parts of her powers she's never used before. be careful. this rose may have thorns.















a girl like me is multiversal. i have lives you can only dream of.


This is Dilon's main universe. All information on this carrd remains entirely accurate. many of her actions are decently morally grey and can be self-serving, but she still remains good to the people she cares about. she can be semi-manipulative and violent if need be, but airs against it. quite blunt.

crystal oaths.

Dilon's main roleplay fc but not her main verse. she is neutral good in this verse, only using violence when absolutely necessary. she's also married and works with the crystal oaths as their cosmetologist and head dynamis researcher and combat specialist. much sweeter and patient than her main verse.

witch with a burning heart.

actively antagonistic. this version of dilon was never saved by demetria and is short-tempered and angry. she is also genuinely misandrist, believing men are worthless pigs who are beneath her because of her past trauma. she sets out to hurt them in any way she can. interaction with this verse will be rare. i have to trust you deeply.